Ruby Fools
Check out RubyFoo2009 here
RubyFools Copenhagen will feature 1 tutorial days, March 31, followed by two full conference days, April 1-2, with multiple tracks and talks from over 20 industry experts and thought leaders in the Ruby community.

We have witnessed the rise of Ruby from a grass-roots language to an accepted part of the toolbox of almost all self-respecting developers. This conference has been created to help novices on their way, as well as to inspire experts in the field.
Don't be a fool, be a Ruby Fool.
Keynote Tuesday
Pragmatic Programmer Dave Thomas
gives a keynote Tuesday morning
Ruby Cave Imagine a dim-lit cave with beer, snacks, and power for your laptop. Add
Ruby geeks, Ruby experts, and curious newcomers. Result is a learning
network experience in an environment where it is accepted to find it
easier to remember the geek code, than the name. This geek night will be
centered around Ruby, your laptops and you.
Early registration
Register before March 19 and get a discount
RubyFools - also in Oslo
RubyFools also takes place in Oslo April 3.-4.
JAOO speakers network
Over a decade of JAOOs nearly 500 speakers have talked at JAOO.
See the comprehensive list of speakers who have visited JAOO over the years
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JAOO Photos
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