Presentation: "Introduction: Ruby"
Real-World Ruby
Time: Monday 10:30 - 10:45 Location: SAS Nortvegia
Abstract: TBA
Presentation: "The Overlooked Power of JavaScript"
Web 2.0
Time: Tuesday 16:55 - 17:55 Location: SAS Suecia
Abstract: In this talk, we'll go back to the basics that most JavaScript resources omit. We'll talk about JavaScript as a language, learning its fundamental concepts and the simple rules that underlie the sometimes bewildering behavior. We'll learn about JavaScript's unusual object model, how to use it to build conventional object-oriented systems, and also how to exploit it more completely to do things you'd never think of doing in Java. We'll also learn some good ways to structure large JavaScript programs.
This talk is not about fancy web pages. It's about a powerful tool that can be used for fancy web pages, but that's also cropping up in many other places. It's worth your time to learn it well.
Tutorial: "Introduction to Ruby and Ruby on Rails"
Time: Sunday 09:00 - 16:00 Location: SAS Room 11
Abstract: Ruby on Rails is an extraordinary success story; use of Rails is growing at a rapid pace. Use of the Ruby language is growing along with Rails, but not solely because of it; Ruby has many charms of its own, and Rails' creator claims that Rails wouldn't have been possible without Ruby. In this tutorial you will gain an overview of Rails, starting with the language that makes it tick.