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Track host: Erik Meijer, Microsoft

 Track host: Erik  Meijer

Erik Meijer is an architect in the Microsoft SQL server division where he currently works together with the Microsoft Visual C# and the Microsoft Visual Basic language design teams on data integration in programming languages.

Prior to joining Microsoft he was an associate professor at Utrecht University and adjunct professor at the Oregon Graduate Institute.

Erik is one of the designers of the standard functional programming language Haskell98 and more recently the Cw language.

Presentation: "Introduction: Five Things I Wish I Learned in College"

Time: Monday 10:30 - 10:45

Location: Conference Hall

Abstract: TBA

Presentation: "Democratizing the Cloud"

Time: Tuesday 09:15 - 10:00

Location: To be announced

Abstract: The web is rocking the world of developers. Our customers love consistency. They want to have the same rich experience, anywhere, any time, on any device. Our sales people love market share. They want no platform that cannot leverage their web services. We ourselves have embraced agile methods. We want to keep our options open as long as possible and create software incrementally by successive refactoring. This surely sounds like a contradiction, another impossible triangle. As the Dutch artist MC Escher once said "Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible". Hence we are trying to stretch the .NET framework to cover the Cloud such that it will become possible to incrementally and seamlessly design, develop, and debug complex distributed applications using your favorite existing and unmodified .NET compiler and deploy these applications anywhere.

Presentation: "LINQ to XML"

Track:   LINQ

Time: Tuesday 14:20 - 15:20

Location: SAS Dania

Abstract: TBD

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