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Luca Bolognese, Microsoft Corporation

 Luca  Bolognese

Luca Bolognese is Lead Program Manager for the Visual C# team and the Language Integrated Query project. The C# team is responsible for the C# language/compiler, the C# IDE and LINQ to SQL, the object relational framework for the LINQ project. These are currently Luca's main areas of expertise.

Before joining the C# team, Luca worked on the ObjectSpace project in the SQL Server group. In his pre-Microsoft life he was a middle tier architect for a large Italian company.

Presentation: "The .NET Language Integrated Query (LINQ) Framework"

Track:   LINQ

Time: Tuesday 11:00 - 12:00

Location: SAS Dania


Modern applications operate on data in several different forms: Relational tables, XML documents, and in-memory objects. Each of these domains can have profound differences in semantics, data types, and capabilities, and much of the complexity in today's applications is the result of these mismatches.

Luca Bolognese, LINQ Lead Program Manager, explains how Visual Studio 2008 aims to unify the programming models through LINQ capabilities in Microsoft Visual C# and Visual Basic, a strongly typed data access framework, and an innovative Application Programming Interface (API) for manipulating and querying XML.

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Presentation: "Using LINQ to SQL to Access Relational Data"

Track:   LINQ

Time: Tuesday 15:40 - 16:40

Location: SAS Dania


Database-centric applications have traditionally had to rely on two distinct programming languages: one for the database and one for the application. In this session we will introduce LINQ to SQL, a component of the LINQ project designed to help integrate relational data and queries with C# and Visual Basic.

LINQ to SQL enables developers to express queries and updates against the SQL Server family of databases in terms of their local programming language without sacrificing the server-side execution model of today's high-performance SQL-based approaches.

Using these advances, database queries that previously were stored as opaque strings now benefit from static type checking, CLR metadata, design-time type inference, and of course IntelliSense.

LINQ to SQL also supports a rich update capability that lets you save changes to an object graph back to the database using optimistic concurrency or transactions.

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