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Henk Kolk, VP and CTO, Capgemini

 Henk  Kolk Henk Kolk is the Chief Technology Officer of Capgemini's Financial Services Sector in the Netherlands. He is responsible for the implementation of Model Driven Architecture and Business Domain Languages. Mr. Kolk has over 18 years of Object Oriented / Component Based Development / SOA experience, most of it leading or coaching architecture and RUP elaboration phases for clients.

Presentation: "Intentional Software - Democratizing Software Creation"

Time: Monday 11:00 - 12:00

Location: Conference Hall 3


Business users doing programming? Intentional offers a radical new software approach that separates business knowledge from software engineering knowledge. This simplifies the creation process for software as business experts directly contribute using their customary domain description which results in accelerated innovation. Business experts can be more innovative and responsive to the changes in the domain.

As an application of this new approach, Capgemini is building a new Pension Workbench that allows pension experts to express their business domain knowledge using a Pension Domain Language that follows very closely their customary format and specialized nomenclature.

The corresponding Pension software implementation are generated from Generators built by programmers. Freed from the need to encode every business requirement or change the programmers concentrate on the job they do the best, creating a clean, reusable and reliable program. Innovation is accelerated as everyone in the team has the effective means of expressing their intentions.

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