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Bruno F. Souza, Sun Microsystems

 Bruno  F. Souza Bruno F. Souza is the number one Java Evangelist in Brazil, responsible for hundreds of Java presentations throughout the country and internationally. As a Java consultant, Bruno participated in some of the largest Java projects in Brazil. As founder and coordinator of SouJava (the Java Users Society) Brazil's most important Java User Group, and one of the largest worldwide, and also working with many other JUGs, Bruno helped drive the growth of the Brazilian Java community. Working with JUGs for so many years, Bruno helped unite the Brazilian JUGs community, and is now the WorldWide NetBeans Community Manager for Sun Microsystems. Bruno is also Director of the Open Source Initiative and an OpenSolaris Evangelist.

Presentation: "An Open Source Strategy for a nation"

Time: Wednesday 13:00 - 14:00

Location: SAS Dania

Abstract: Open source is, in its most basic form, a way of licensing software. But it did capture the minds of developers all around by being more then that, by bringing together notions of community, of common good and goodwill. But to make it really a success, there was also need to reach others beside developers: it needed to reach companies, governments, lawmakers, and even artists, musicians and common people. This talk will discuss some of the success in bringing open source to the Brazilian community, a bit of the history, and some of the challenges. Seen from the perspectives of the Java developer community, this talk will also discuss the influence that community building and community related activities had on the development of a open source strategy that reached the whole country.

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