Presentation: "Writing Domain Specific Languages in Boo"

Track:   The .Net Road

Time: Monday 11:00 - 12:00

Location: SAS Dania


Domain Specific Langauge is not just the DSL SDK from Microsoft. A DSL can make working with the domain much easier, since you are capable of leveraging the domain concepts directly. The other alternative to a DSL is an XML file, and we all know how well declarative model can work when you need imperative concepts, just consider NAnt for a minute and you will see the issue.

Usually, writing a DSL in .Net would be a complex issue, requiring writing a parser, interpreter, etc. Boo already handles all of that, and its open architecture means that it is very easy to extend it to express the concepts of the domain. This talk will show you how to build DSLs in Boo and how to utilize this power in your applications.

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Oren Eini, We!

 Oren  Eini

Oren Eini is a senior developer in We!, a consulting group based in Israel, focusing on architecture, data access and best practices.

Most often, he is working on building complex business systems using .Net, NHibernate and Castle's Frameworks. Oren is an active member in several Open Source projects, including (but not limited :-) ) NHibernate, Castle and Rhino Mocks.

He has a blog at where he publish his thought every once in a while.