Presentation: "Using the public Danish SOA Infrastructure"

Time: Tuesday 16:55 - 17:55

Location: To be announced


Denmark has established a National Service Oriented Infrastructure. A centralized UDDI service registry contains 110 thousand service endpoints for public sector institutions.

Business document are exchanged with dynamic binding using the RASP web service profile, which combines WS-Security and WS-ReliableMessaging via http and smtp. The infrastructure and the web service profile are supported with an open source registry and toolkits for .NET and Java.

The RASP-profile is currently being implemented in e-procurement and in registration of deeds, and will soon be used in electronic document handling systems.

Come and hear how this new SOA infrastructure is positioning Denmark on the leading edge. Learn more about supporting legislation, our open source strategy and how the infrastructure will be developed over the next 3 years.

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Mikkel Hippe Brun

 Mikkel  Hippe Brun Mikkel Hippe Brun has been an active SGML/XML consultant to Danish business and government since 1995. Mikkel has been the chief technical advisor and consultant to the Danish XML Committee at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation between 2001 and 2004. Mikkel is currently employed as Chief Consultant at the Center for Service Oriented Infrastructure at the Danish National IT and Telecom Agency where he is responsible for the technical infrastructure and standards behind Reliable Asynchronous Secure Profile (RASP). Mikkel was the primary author to the first handbook on XML Schema Naming and Design Rules published by the Danish XML Committee in 2002. In 2004 Mikkel was responsible for the initial roll-out and localization of Universal Business Language in the public sector. Mikkel is active in international standardization around e-business standards and web services.