Tutorial: "User Stories, Estimating and Planning"
Time: Friday 09:00 - 12:00
Location: SAS Suecia
One of the practical challenges you are faced with when running a scrum project is how to create and maintain your product backlog. Which kind of items should be on the backlog? How to estimate them? And how do you create a general plan for the project.
In this tutorial we will look into these questions. With a basis in Mike Cohn two books: "User Stories Applied" and "Agile Estimating and Planning" combined with the speaker's experience as a ScrumMaster, we will look at:
User Stories: What is a User Story and why is it a good candidate as building blocks for our product backlogHow do we create User Stories
Selecting the right unit for estimation; Story Points or Ideal Days?
How to estimate, practical techniques for everyday use
How do we combine User Stories and Estimates to create a good Product backlog and plan for the project