Tutorial: "Test Driven Development"

Track:   Tutorial

Time: Thursday 09:00 - 16:00

Location: SAS Suecia


Test Driven Development has taken the industry by storm, and has yielded dramatic reductions in development time and defects.

This hands-on talk and workshop, given by a leader in the field, presents an in-depth exposure to the disciplines and tools of unit-testing and acceptance testing, and gives attendees the opportunity to actually try TDD using JUnit for unit testing and FitNesse for acceptance testing.

The lecture starts at the beginning and describes the history, foundation, discipline of, and evidence for TDD. There will be a demonstration of the tools and techniques, followed by a workshop in which attendees will be able to practice TDD.

Attendees should bring a laptop with a Java IDE (Eclipse or IntelliJ preferred) JUnit (junit.com) and FitNesse (fitnesse.org) downloaded and installed. Java 5 Required!

Track host: Robert C. Martin, ObjectMentor

 Track host: Robert C.  Martin

Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) has been a software professional since 1970 and an international software consultant since 1990.

He is founder and president of Object Mentor Inc., a team of experienced consultants who mentor their clients worldwide in the fields of C++, Java, OO, Patterns, UML, Agile Methodologies, and Extreme Programming.