Presentation: "Scrum@Nokia"
Time: Wednesday 14:30 - 15:30
Location: Conference Hall 2
A couple years ago, Bas started a small project in Nokia Networks which was called Flexible R&D. It's goal was to introduce Agile and Iterative development in the company. Nobody expected anything from it, but it turned out to probably be the largest change the R D department of Nokia Networks (now NSN) has been going through. From a small project called Flexible R &D, it went to a large project called Flexible Company and working together with almost all the products that are developed in NSN (Nokia Networks merged in 2007 with Siemens Com, creating a large company called NSN).
From a small unimportant project to a large change project was quite a journey with lots of stories. This presentation will tell a couple of the stories about the journey. Stories which have to do with organizational change. How did it start? How did it fail? How about metrics? or CMMi? or tools? or training? For an hour, Bas will select the stories which the audience finds most interesting and tell what happened.