Presentation: "Panel: Shared Business Application Systems"

Time: Wednesday 16:00 - 17:00

Location: SAS Dania

Abstract: Inter-agency and cross-agency business systems are hard to get flying. If you want to further the horizontal collaboration between agencies of government and others you need to agree on a range of issues relevant to the development, support and maintenance of applications. You may start from above by an outline of IT policy, architectural principles, obligatory standards, common datamodels or you may opt foranother approach, i.e. to go bottom-up by sharing in development and maintenance of a customized business system forming a "club". You may consider OpenSource a business model furthering the opportunities for collaboration. Which are the better way to merge the two strategies, gain from mutual inspiration and contributions, and which procedures could we adopt to assure architectural principles like e.g. interoperability and security or eventually cater for common functions like e.g. single-sign-on? In the panel we have experienced IT managers that have a key position and an attitude to these challenges to applications development.

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Martin Høegh Mortensen, IT og Telestyrelsen

No picture of  Martin Høegh Mortensen Martin Høegh Mortensen works at the Danish Knowledge Centre of Software at the National IT and Telecom Agency as a communications officer. From here he introduces open source business models and knowledge to the Danish Public Sector.

Head of IT Martin Sølvkjær, Bispebjerg Hospital

Head of IT Martin  Sølvkjær

Head of IT, Bispebjerg Hospital, CIO, leader of medical equipment, telephony and scanning of medical records.

With more than 20 years of experience as a doctor, and 18 years of experience in medical IT, Martin knows the requirements from both sides of the story regarding medical IT.

Martins main interests include:
Knowledge management, IT, Work flow analysis, Actor network theory, Leadership, Open standards, Open Source.

Track host Mogens Kühn Pedersen, Copenhagen Business School

Track host Mogens  Kühn Pedersen Mogens Kühn Pedersen is a professor at the Institute of Informatics at CBS. He has a vast experience in the IT-business in general and specifically with IT-governance.