Presentation: "Painless Persistence with Castle ActiveRecord"

Time: Tuesday 11:00 - 12:00

Location: SAS Nortvegia


Persistence is one of the most troublesome points in any application. Handling the mismatch between the data in its relational form and the data as developers would like to have is a non trivial task at best, and daunting and herculean at worst. Tools such as Object Relation Mappers exists to help make it easier, but they often require experts in order to use effectively.

ORM does not need to be hard to use, or for the specialists alone. Active Record builds on top of the proven NHibernate object relational mapper and gives you rapid feedback, inferencing capabilities, and in general tries to do the right thing and stay out of your way. Using Active Record, persistence is not only painless, it can be fun, frictionless and boost your productivity beyond your wildest dreams.

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Hamilton Verissimo, Castle Stronghold

 Hamilton  Verissimo

Hamilton Verissimo is an open source enthusiast that have started and participated in several projects, inside and outside Apache Software Foundation. He is a seasoned software developer, constantly reviewing his beliefs and pursuing better ways to develop, deliver and maintain enterprise applications.

Currently Hamilton leads the Castle Project, an open source project for .Net, and runs Castle Stronghold, a software development company in Brazil.

Oren Eini, We!

 Oren  Eini

Oren Eini is a senior developer in We!, a consulting group based in Israel, focusing on architecture, data access and best practices.

Most often, he is working on building complex business systems using .Net, NHibernate and Castle's Frameworks. Oren is an active member in several Open Source projects, including (but not limited :-) ) NHibernate, Castle and Rhino Mocks.

He has a blog at where he publish his thought every once in a while.