Presentation: "OSS Electronic Health Care Records; Vista in Denmark"
Time: Wednesday 11:00 - 12:00
Location: SAS Dania
Veterans Affairs (VA) in USA has developed a full health care record system (HCR), that covers the patient from birth to grave between different situations in the health care system. The system covers media, the patients own access and - of course - the necessary information the health care worker needs to leverage the actual task in helping the patient/client. VA covers 30 mill citizens and treats yearly 5 mill patients and VA claims that the system has a key role in the improved performance in quality and efficacy. VA has made available as open source.
The system seems scalable and has been implemented by other health care providers in USA as well in other non-English-language countries. In my opinion it is the best system, I have seen: the most comprehensible system, widely accepted by the clinicians, with outstanding features, crossing sectors of health delivery.
So the question arise: Can a best-of-breed system developed in USA be downscaled to the danish health care sectors?
The speech will analyze the obstacles and possibilities in adapting a foreign system in Denmark based on experiments and experiences. The focus of analysis is organizational and political issues. The analysis will propose a roadmap to implementation.