Presentation: "Lessons Learned From Architecture Reviews"

Time: Wednesday 14:30 - 15:30

Location: Conference Hall


Complex software projects are often late, have quality problems and don't deliver all that was promised. Often such problems are the result of an inadequate or inappropriate software architecture.

Software architecture reviews are a tool that help reveal architectural risks and strengths as well as uncover unidentified issues that need to be addressed. Sometimes the biggest risks are technical ones. And other times, the biggest risk is that too much attention has been placed on the technical architecture to the exclusion of other essential factors.

This talk reflects on lessons learned from preparing for, presenting, and conducting architecture reviews. I'll discuss what to avoid, what information to seek, and how to effectively resolve issues.

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Track host: Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Wirfs-Brock Associates

 Track host: Rebecca  Wirfs-Brock

President of Wirfs-Brock Associates, is an innovator in practical modeling and design techniques.

She invented the set of development practices known as Responsibility-Driven Design. Recently she has focused on ways to effectively communicate ideas and to create flexible software without over- or underengineering.

She is the design columnist for IEEE Software.