Presentation: "Introduction: Agility on the Edge"

Time: Monday 10:30 - 10:45

Location: Conference Hall 2

Abstract: Applying agile methods in a defined environment can sometimes already be challenging. But this is even more so when trying to follow an agile approach in a project that is out of character. This year we want share experiences from people who have applied agility when developing for example a life-critical system, an embedded or a data warehousing application. Dealing with challenges like these requires thorough adaptation of the process, which is the focal point of retrospectives.

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Track host: Jutta Eckstein, IT Communication

 Track host: Jutta  Eckstein

Jutta Eckstein is an independent consultant and trainer for over ten years. She has a unique experience in applying agile processes within medium-sized to large mission-critical projects. This is also the topic of her new book Agile Software Development in the Large.

She is a member of the board of the AgileAlliance and a member of the program committee of many different European and American conferences in the area of agile development, object-orientation and patterns.

Aino Vonge Corry, Trifork A/S

 Aino Vonge Corry Aino Corry is technical conference editor and traveling architect at Trifork. She holds a masters degree and a ph.d. in computer science from the University of Aarhus, Denmark. She has been interested in patterns since 1997 and her thesis: "Patterns in Software Development" is about patterns in general and design patterns in particular. In an EU-funded research project, PalCom, at the university, she was a traveling software architect for the common software architecture and lead the sub-project "IT-support for pregnancies". Recently, she has returned to Trifork to facilitate projects and create conferences.