Presentation: "Information cards and .Net - Cardspace"

Track:   The .Net Road

Time: Monday 16:00 - 17:00

Location: SAS Dania


The impact of phishing and other forms of online identity phraud has grown enormously in the last few years. Today, people are starting to curb their activities online due to fears of phishing and phraud and because they just can't be bothered to fight through today's online authentication systems such as multiple usernames and passwords, Captcha control and OTP tokens.

In this session we'll explore some of the core issues facing our identities online and then discuss how technologies such as Windows CardSpace enable users to authenticate and/or present personal information more easily and safely to sites that they know are legitimate. The session will cover both conceptual concepts behind Information Cards and show what is under the technical hood.

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Architect René Løhde, Microsoft

Architect René  Løhde

René Løhde is an architect at Microsoft where he engages with enterprise customers in the field. His main focus is enterprise application integration, interoperability and identity management.

Before René joined Microsoft he was a program manager in the Danish public sector where he was involved in the earliest standardization and interoperability work.