Presentation: "History of B103 and ODF,OOXML Panel Discussion"

Time: Wednesday 14:30 - 15:30

Location: SAS Dania


On 2 June 2006, the Folketing (the Danish Parliament) adopted parliamentary resolution B 103 on the use of open standards for software in the public sector. The resolution directs the Government to launch a number of initiatives to promote open standards.

Among other measures, the Government is asked, by 1 January 2008 or as soon as technically feasible, to introduce and maintain a set of open standards, which will then be part of the basis for developing and procuring IT software in the public sector.

The introduction to the history of B 103 will:

  • Address the resolution,
  • Briefly describe the situation prior to the parliament decision,
  • Go through the early considerations for implementation of the resolution
  • Ending with an up-to-date status of the implementation.

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Florian Reuter, Novell

 Florian  Reuter Florian Reuter is a software engineer at Novell Inc. currently focused on He is also working in the TC's standardizing OpenDocument and OfficeOpenXML.

Rachid El Mousti, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation

 Rachid  El Mousti

Rachid El Mousti is a Senior Adviser at the Danish IT- and Telecom Agency. Rachid has 11 years experience with large IT-infrastructures impact on business, from the financial, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and governmental sectors.

He is the program manager on the implementation of Parliament Resolution B 103.

Rachid holds a master degree in physics from the Niels Bohr Institute, and has a minor in Computer Science from the University of Copenhagen.

Architect René Løhde, Microsoft

Architect René  Løhde

René Løhde is an architect at Microsoft where he engages with enterprise customers in the field. His main focus is enterprise application integration, interoperability and identity management.

Before René joined Microsoft he was a program manager in the Danish public sector where he was involved in the earliest standardization and interoperability work.