Tutorial: "Being an Effective Product Owner"
Time: Thursday 13:00 - 16:00
Location: SAS Room 5+6
The customer drives the product development! This agile principle is the key to the success of an agile development project. Scrum emphasizes this by outlining a dedicated role in its process: The Product Owner.
Having a good Product Owner is as important for the outcome as having a good development team. We need to have a clear understanding about the responsibilities and privileges of this role.
In this tutorial, you will learn what it means to be a Product Owner for an agile development team. You will see how you can nurture a productive work environment by stating a clear project vision and getting your ideas and requirements effectively across to the team.
After a short introduction into the Scrum cycle, we will talk about strategic planning, writing a vision statement, creating user stories, building a release plan and communicating on a daily basis with your team. You will see your role as a Product Owner in the Sprint Planning and during the Sprint. Finally you will acquire a reporting system that shows you on a daily basis the progress of your project.
This tutorial will be hands-on. You will work in small groups to get a clear understanding about the principles and practices of being a product owner.