Presentation: "Typical Pitfalls in Agile Development"
What Makes Agility Work?
Tuesday 10:15 - 10:45
Conference Hall 2
Abstract: Meanwhile many teams, projects and even organizations apply agile
development. But not all do so successful. If you take a closer look, you
will find that agile practices like pair programming or test-driven
development are applied properly, but it's ignored that those
practices can just support but not establish agility. This leads to
a mismatch between expectations and reality.
Based on my experience as an agile coach in many leading organizations
across Europe, I want to explain this phenomena and show what's
really important when applying agility.
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Tutorial: "Agile in Large Projects"
Friday 09:00 - 12:00
SAS Room 11
A lot of people still believe that agile software development is for small teams only. However, the agile value system and the principles behind as stated in the agile manifesto don't say anything about team or project size. Furthermore the projects I'm working on are typically
large, distributed and mission-critical. Therefore, several years ago I took the challenge and tried agile software development in the large. Meanwhile I made the similar experience on many large projects: Also large and even distributed teams can benefit from a value system that is beneficial for small teams.
In this tutorial I want to show how to scale agile processes to teams of 200. In fact, the same techniques are also relevant to teams of ten or more developers, especially within large organizations.