Presentation: "Eclipse Rich Client Platform Trends"
Java Rich Client Development
Tuesday 11:00 - 12:00
Conference Hall
Abstract: Eclipse as a Rich Client Platform is increasingly mainstream.
Organizations from NASA to IBM to major banks and airlines have adopted
RCP as a core technology. Eclipse however has still more to offer in
the application space. Eclipse's inherent dynamism and the use of
Eclipse on the server are largely hidden gems. In this talk we look at
various current RCP usecases and present examples and ideas for their
future evolution.
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Presentation: "Equinox OSGi: Pervasive Componentization"
Open Source Enterprise Java.
Tuesday 17:00 - 17:45
SAS Room 12
OSGi has long had a presence in the embedded environment (Nokia cell
phones, BMW cars, Ricoh photocopiers, ...). More recently, OSGi's
dynamic Java module technology has found use on the desktop in areas
such as Eclipse tooling and rich client applications. Currently there
is an explosion of usecases for OSGi in server scenarios. Apache
projects from Directory to Geronimo to Tuscany are using or
investigating OSGi, the Eclipse Equinox OSGi servlet bridge allows OSGi
frameworks to be embedded inside traditional application servers such as
Tomcat and OSGi is being used as the basis for commercial application
server offerings.
This talk explores the usecases and technologies at
play in this domain and highlights the particular challenges and
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Tutorial: "Programming with Equinox - The OSGi foundation for Eclipse"
Sunday 09:00 - 12:00
To be announced
Eclipse demonstrates the power of component-oriented programming. This
power is provided by Equinox, a simple and flexible runtime framework
based on the OSGi Service Platform standard. OSGi implementations show
up on your desktop (Eclipse and RCP applicaitons), cell phones (Nokia),
enterprise servers (Apache Directory, IBM's WebSphere Applicaiton
Server) and BMW cars to name a few.
This tutorial gives you a hands-on introduction to developing OSGi bundles (Eclipse plug-ins) and bundle-based applications. We start with a simple "Hello World" application that highlights the modularity and life cycle features. This
application is then extended into a web based application that uses
services from other bundles, as well as providing services to other
bundles. Throughout the tutorial we show you how the Eclipse tooling
manages the environment for you and greatly simplifies the development
After this tutorial you will be able to write better, more
flexible, and more dynamic bundles that can be deployed in any OSGi
service platform in a wide variety of domains.