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Jeff McAffer, IBM

/2006/photos/speakers_photo/jeff_mcaffer.jpg Jeff McAffer leads the Eclipse Equinox OSGi and Eclipse RCP teams and is a Senior Technical Staff Member with IBM Rational. He is one of the architects of the Eclipse Platform and a co-author of The Eclipse Rich Client Platform (Addison-Wesley). He is a member of the Eclipse Project PMC and the Eclipse Foundation Board of Directors and has been involved in Eclipse from the beginning.
Jeff is currently interested all aspects of Eclipse componentry from developing and building bundles to deploy and installing them and ultimately running them. All of this in an effort to realize Eclipse's original vision as a platform for composing general sets of application function to solve real problems. Previous lives included work in distributed/parallel OO computing (Server Smalltalk, massively parallel Smalltalk, etc) as well as expert systems, meta-level architectures and a PhD at the University of Tokyo.


Attended conferences

JAOO 2006

