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Kim Harding Christensen, EOS

 Kim Harding Christensen Kim Harding Christensen is co-founder of EOS A/S, a Danish company aiding software architects and developers in realizing projects with .NET & Java technologies. He has more than 20 years of experience in professional software development and has been involved in a wide variety of projects, ranging from real-time control systems, J2EE application servers and tools, to specialized information systems. He is currently architecting a new generation of financial systems exploiting Service Orientation, Domain Specific Languages, and the next generation of Microsoft .NET technologies.

Tutorial: "Domain Driven Design in Practice"

Track:   Tutorials

Time: Friday 09:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 16:00

Location: SAS Dania


Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is a design style where all the effort and focus is on the core model. The whole team, including the customer, will gather around a common model and a common language (for describing the concepts of the domain).

The idea is that understandability and maintainability will increase. The model is described in object-oriented code. Around (not in!) the model, different services are added such as persistence and presentation.

In a full and hectic day we will in this tutorial discuss the theories of DDD, but especially focus on appliance and letting you try it out yourself hands on. The method will be to go from start to finish in a sample project, so you get a feeling for the complete picture.

Our practical implementation uses C# 1.1 and 2.0, NHibernate for persistence, NUnit/Testdriven.net for unit testing, FIT for acceptance testing, refactoring features in Resharper and VS.NET 2005, etc.