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Jens B. Bennedsen, it-vest

 Jens B. Bennedsen Jens Bennedsen received his MSc degree in 1988 from the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus. For more than 10 years, he was a lecturer at Aarhus Business College, where he, apart from his teaching, led several projects aimed at developing further education for adults. In 1998, he joined the software industry as a specialist in system development methods. In 2000, he joined Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, where he became project manager for a large development project in flexible, net-based learning. In 2002, he started at his current position at IT University West, where he is responsible for the development of flexible study programs for working adults. He has published several articles within the areas of computer science education, pedagogy and new technology. Bennedsen is a member of several national boards within the field of education and research libraries.

Presentation: "Flexible Further Education at University Level"

Time: To be announced

Location: To be announced

Abstract: Log on to obtain further qualification, professional development, knowledge, and network. Four Danish universities offer you a new part time master in information technology. The study is netbased and very flexible.

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