Steve Muench, Oracle CorporationSteve Muench is a Consulting Product Manager, Developer, and Author in the J2EE Developer Tools Division at Oracle Corporation. In his fifteen years at the company, he's been deeply involved in the development, support, and technical evangelism of Oracle's XML technologies and application development tools. Steve helps internal development teams and external customers make the most out of Oracle's XML technologies and its best-practice J2EE design patterns framework, Oracle ADF. In 2000, he authored "Building Oracle XML Applications" from O'Reilly and is a frequent presenter at Oracle and Java conferences. |
Presentation: "J2EE and Web Services: What's Next?"
Time: Tuesday 09:00 - 10:00 Location: Conference Hall 1
Implementing enterprise J2EE applications as a collection of cooperating business services offers added flexibility, but presents a number of new challenges for developers and administrators. This presentation highlights relevant standards and requirements for delivering reliable, secure, and manageable applications in a Service-Oriented Architecture. Presentation: "Java ServerFaces: Where Are We and What's Next?"
Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition
Time: Tuesday 13:00 - 14:00 Location: Conference Hall 2
As an active member of the JSR 127 Expert Group, Oracle brings deep experience with enterprise RAD tools to the team shaping the JSF standard. In this presentation, we start with a short introduction to JSF 1.0 and provide an overview of its benefits for web developers. Surveying the existing and emerging resources available to developers -- including books, JSF-aware tools, and component libraries -- we help you understand when best to plan your investigation and uptake of this promising new standard. Presentation: "Panel J2EE"
Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition
Time: Tuesday 16:45 - 17:30 Location: Conference Hall 2 Presentation: "Oracle ADF: Drag and Drop Data Binding for J2EE Business Services"
Time: Wednesday 11:00 - 12:00 Location: Balcony
J2EE developers can lose a lot of time writing code to implement best-practices design patterns to achieve well-architected applications. JSR 227 eliminates some of this routine coding by standardizing a declarative approach to data binding. This presentation illustrates Oracle's runtime and designtime implementation of JSR 227 in its Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF), and highlights the facilities that Oracle ADF provides for productively building and data-binding to J2EE business services. Along the way, we showcase the best-practice techniques that Oracle's over-2000 internal J2EE application developers have made and motivate why. |