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Raven Zachary, iPhone Entrepreneur and Founder of iPhoneDevCamps

/photos/speakers/Raven_Zachary.png Raven helps people create, develop, and launch iPhone products and services and is also a Contributing Analyst with The 451 Group, an IT industry analyst firm, where Raven advises companies on technology strategy and track technology markets. Raven works with O’Reilly Media on iPhone and mobile technology related events and coverage, blogging regularly on O’Reilly Radar and Inside iPhone. Raven is also the founder of iPhoneDevCamp, a not-for-profit iPhone developer conference. Raven is currently an advisor for a number of companies on iPhone strategy and product development and has directed the launch of two Top 20 iPhone applications, Obama ‘08 for Obama for America and Nearby for Platial.

Attended conferences

JAOO 2009