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Jenny Quillien

 Jenny  Quillien Jenny Quillien, along with many years in university teaching, has consulting and training experience in over 30 countries, specializing in management development, change, human resources, and cross-cultural communication. An abiding side interest in vernacular architecture led Jenny to a six year collaboration with architect Christopher Alexander. Last year she published /Delight's Muse/ introducing readers to Alexander's four volume magnum opus, /The Nature of Order/. Currently she is working with Dave West on a new book in business ecology which examines the interface between organizational culture and the software needed to support it. Jenny is bi-lingual with dual French American citizenship. Degrees : Université de Paris, Licence en Anthropologie ; Université de Strasbourg, Maitrise en Ethnolinguistique; Université de Montpellier, DESS en Sciences Appliquées.

Presentation: "Enterprise-IT Ecology"

Time: Thursday 11:45 - 12:45

Location: City

Abstract: The dream has always been: "erasing the artificial lines between business and Information Technology (IT) so that IT becomes a ubiquitous, integral and vital asset to the company and leads decision-making, structural change and enterprise-wide quality initiatives, drives efficiency and revenue, and provides measurable, clear return on investment." This presentation will discuss why that has not happened and how it still can become a reality.

Workshop: "Designing the Enterprise"

Track: Tutorial

Time: Monday 13:00 - 16:00

Location: Concordia

This tutorial will begin with a short outline of what is necessary to implement a "business ecology" - an in depth integration of the business with IT to support innovation, adaptability, and strategy. Most of the tutorial will focus on specific objectives that must be satisfied to design and implement a business ecology along with practical techniques to realize those objectives.