Presentation: "Versioning your data model"

Time: Friday 11:00 - 12:00

Location: Lillesalen


Often, you need to version all or parts of your data model. Think Wiki pages, in which you need to be able to go back and see who made which changes to the pages.

This presentation will walk you through some very useful Rails plugins that enable you to do that, and a lot more. We will also have a look at what to version and what not to version.

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Track Host: Ole Friis Østergaard, Trifork A/S

Track Host: Ole  Friis Østergaard

Ole is a software consultant doing all kinds of stuff at Trifork A/S. He is active in the local Århus Ruby Brigade and has been working with Ruby and Rails for a couple of years.

He has been a test-driven fanatic for several years. One of his spare-time projects is the Rails plugin acts_subversive.