Presentation: "Komodo: An Open IDE for Building Rails Applications"

Time: Friday 16:00 - 17:00

Location: Jan P. Syses sal


In 2007 ActiveState released most of the code of its flagship Komodo IDE product under a MPL (Mozilla Public License)/GPL dual license. This has a huge impact for Ruby and Rails developers. Komodo has had advanced support for Ruby since 2004, including smart auto-indenting and code-completion. Since early 2007, it's also had deep integration with Rails projects, including project and file management; debugging controllers, views, and tests; and Rails-aware code-completion.

This talk will cover the various tools Komodo offers for building, debugging, testing, and deploying Rails applications. In addition, we'll show how to take advantage of Komodo's Mozilla underpinnings to build extensions, give a high-level tour of the codebase, and discuss some of the directions people are taking the codebase in.

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Senior Developer Eric Promislow, ActiveState

Senior Developer Eric  Promislow

Eric's career has involved the design and implementation of programming languages, software tools, and user interfaces. He brought that focus to ActiveState in 2000, when he worked on Komodo at its inception. He then took over the Visual Studio integration products, and later moved back to spearhead the integration of Ruby and Rails tools into Komodo.

Eric has a MSc. in Computing Science from Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, and a BSc. in Biophysics from the University of Ontario.