Presentation: "An introduction to Rail: Web development as it was meant to be"

Time: Thursday 13:00 - 14:00

Location: Lillesalen


To show Ruby on Rails to people with little experience in web development is always a let down. Rails is, for lack of a better word, boring. It is just what someone naive about web development would expect web development to be like. It gets out of the way, and lets you develop applications at the speed that you always thought you should be able to develop web applications.

In this presentation, I will prove how Rails lives up to this promise: I will show how to create a full fledged application with associated domain objects, dynamic effects, RSS feeds, text formatting, authentication and more from scratch in less than an hour.

The demonstration is based on a series of articles on my blog, and the participants will be able to recreate the steps using these articles as a guide.

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Johannes Brodwall, BBS Nordic

 Johannes  Brodwall Johannes Brodwall has been working with agile server side technologies for a number of years. He is lead software architect at BBS Nordic and an enthusiast and organizer in the Oslo Agile community. He writes regularly on his blog about extreme programming, Ruby on Rail and Java. He is an instructor for several Ruby on Rails courses in 2008.