David Heinemeier Hansson is a programmer and evangelist of Less
Software. He's the creator of applications like Instiki, Basecamp, and
Ta-da, and works with the open source community and design
extraordinaires 37signals. Since the release in late July 2004, he's
also been the leading the development of Ruby on Rails, a web
application framework and environment for building real-world
applications with joy and less code than most frameworks spend doing XML
Presentation: "Ruby on Rails - part 1"
Scripting And Dynamics
Time: Monday 11:00 - 12:00 Location: SAS Nortvegia
Application development for the Web seems to fall into either the quick'n'dirty camp with the likes of PHP or the hard'n'heavy with the likes of Java. But it need not be like that. Ruby on Rails is attempting a shot at the creamy middle with a model for sustainable productivity. Judge the merits of that attempt yourself as you learn about the philosophy, practicalities, and how the code looks, feels, and runs. Presentation: "Ruby on Rails - part 2"
Scripting And Dynamics
Time: Monday 13:00 - 14:00 Location: SAS Nortvegia
Application development for the Web seems to fall into either the quick'n'dirty camp with the likes of PHP or the hard'n'heavy with the likes of Java. But it need not be like that. Ruby on Rails is attempting a shot at the creamy middle with a model for sustainable productivity. Judge the merits of that attempt yourself as you learn about the philosophy, practicalities, and how the code looks, feels, and runs. |