Travelling to Aarhus

Location of the airports in Denmark

The JAOO conference is held in the Scandinavian Center, Aarhus DK. The Scandinavian center is based in the center of Aarhus, right next to the Music Hall and City Hall.

Getting to Aarhus is easy. There are two airports (Aarhus and Billund) both a short distance from downtown with connections to all international airports. Buses from both Aarhus and Billund airport are arriving directly at the Scandinavian Center.


Destinations to Aarhus Airport

Bus from Aarhus Airport: Price: 55.- DKK. Tickets are sold on board the airport bus. US dollars, Pounds and Euro will be accepted. Busride: 45 min.

Destinations to Billund Airport

Bus from Billund Airport: Price: 130.- DKK. Tickets are sold on board the airport bus. US dollars, Pounds and Euro will be accepted. Busride: 1 hr. 25 min.