Jutta Eckstein, Independant Consultant
Jutta Eckstein (www.jeckstein.com, info@jeckstein.com) is an independent
consultant and trainer for over ten years. She has a unique experience
in applying agile processes within medium-sized to large mission-critical
projects. This is also the topic of her new book Agile Software Development
in the Large. She is a member of the board of the AgileAlliance and a
member of the program committee of many different European and American
conferences in the area of agile development, object-orientation and patterns.
Presentation: "Agile Software Development in Practice"
Agile Software Development
Time: Monday 11:00 - 12:00 Location: Nortvegia
Abstract: Although XP exists meanwhile for about 10 years, agile processes
are still trendy. This is one of the reasons why everybody is
trying to sell everything as agile. A glimpse at the agile
manifesto hardly helps to characterize an agile process. Especially,
because it is so difficult to not agree with the manifesto. However,
even more problematic is, that there exist no formal, explicit and
hard criteria that define an agile process. This makes it easy to
sell every kind of process as an agile one.
This talk illuminates:
Presentation: "Feature Driven Development"
Agile Software Development
Time: Monday 14:15 - 15:15 Location: Nortvegia
Abstract: This talk provides an introduction into
Feature Driven Development (FDD). FDD is an agile process
that focuses on features, which are small results that
are valuable for the client. Seeing results early on motivates
developers as well as it satisfies customers. Not less
important - FDD provides means for managers for getting an
accurate picture of the current project status.
In this talk you will learn:
Presentation: "Panel Agile"
Agile Software Development
Time: Monday 16:45 - 17:30 Location: Nortvegia |