We plan to have a workshop with
Alexander R. Krapf
wednesday 13:00-15:00.
The workshop will focus on the subjects described below.
You can register for the workshop by sending an email to
workshop@jaoo.dk. The workshop is a part
of the conference, and there is no additional fee.
Java has many advantages, chief among them its huge class library and
platform portability. But ~90% of all desktops are Windows workstations
and on Windows many people are writing software in VB, C++ and .NET.
What are the strategies and challenges for integrating the abundance of
Java code with native Windows applications?
Let's talk about concrete examples and case studies. What do people
want to do? What choices do they make?
How is it working out in terms of performance, reliability, ease of
implementation, maintainability, cost?
How can we improve this picture? We picture workshops to be two pr. day.
We will provide each workshop with a conference speaker related to the subject.
Subjects will be chosen on interest from the most people, relevance to a
large group or relevance to new development.