Independent consultant
Linda Rising is an independent consultant. She has a Ph.D. from Arizona State University in the area of object-based design metrics. Her background includes university teaching experience as well as work in industry in the areas of telecommunications, avionics, and strategic weapons systems. She has been working with object technologies since 1983.
She is the editor of: A Patterns Handbook, A Pattern Almanac 2000, and Design Patterns in Communications Software.
She has a number of publications including:
- The Scrum Software Development Process for Small Teams
- IEEE Software, July-August 2001
- Agile Meetings
- STQE, July/August 2002
- The Role of Product Champion
- STQE, March 2003.
These and other articles are available on her web site: She is a regular contributor to the DDC-I On-line Newsletter:
She has presented a number of tutorials and workshops at JAOO, OOPSLA and other conferences.
She is currently co-authoring three books: Fear Less: and other patterns for introducing new ideas into organizations, with Mary Lynn Manns,
to appear Fall 2003, a second with Caroline King, Daniel May, and Steve Sanchez: Patterns for Building a Beautiful Company, and a third with Mary
Lynn Manns, Patterns for Retrospectives.