Presentation: "A Framework for Business Transaction Processing"
Wednesday 13:00 - 13:45, Conference Hall
The OMG's Model Driven Architecture is only the latest in a series of
attempts to develop software with less programming. Most were not
successful in the long run. Most successful attempts have been
A Business Transaction is a transaction from a businessman's point of view;
an exchange of goods and services. Software that processes these
transactions has certain recurring problems; checking for invalid
transactions, dealing with changes in the rules for processing transactions,
dealing with transactions that were not processed when they were supposed to
be. Standard solutions for these problems leads to code duplication, which
leads to systems that are unreliable and hard to change.
This talk will describe my work towards a framework for business transaction
processing systems that makes these systems easy to implement, easy to
change, easy to verify, and easy to audit.
A Framework for Business Transaction Processing - (slides)
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