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Michael Stal, Siemens AG


Michael Stal is Senior Principal Engineer at Siemens Corporate Technology where he leads a team focusing on Middleware and Application Integration. He is member of the OMG, former member of the ANSI X3J16 working group for C++ standardization, and editor of the magazine Java Spektrum.

His main interests comprise OO, Java, Networked Systems and Software Architecture. Michael also served as co-author for the POSA book series (Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture). He published many articled and gave numerous talks world-wide why he is also member of several Frequent Flyer programs. In his spare-time among many other interests he is enjoying his favorite soccer team and preventing his cats from destroying his apartment.


Attended conferences

JAOO 2002
JAOO 2006


AI is not about Intelligence
The Dark Side of Crowdfunding
AI and Software Architecture - Two Sides of the sa...

What the hell is Software Architecture
A Matter of Waste
Technical Debt - The Downside of Metaphors