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Dion Hinchcliffe, Fortune 500 Enterprise Business Strategist
Dion Hinchcliffe is an internationally recognized business strategist and enterprise architect who works hands-on with clients in the Fortune 500, federal government, and Internet startup community.
He helps lead the industry by evolving the thinking around Web 2.0 in the enterprise in various social media at ZDNet's Enterprise Web 2.0 Blog and the Web 2.0 Blog. His works are extensively published in leading industry periodicals and publications including the Microsoft Architecture Journal, AjaxWorld Magazine, SOA/Web Services Journal, and others. He was founding Editor-in-Chief of the respected "Web 2.0 Journal" and is current Editor-in-Chief of "Social Computing Magazine". His thought leading work has been covered in BusinessWeek, CNET News, Wired Magazine, CIO Magazine, and many other well-known periodicals.
In addition to helping companies deliver effective Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 product solutions with Hinchcliffe & Company, Mr. Hinchcliffe is also a regular keynote speaker on the topics of Web 2.0, SOA, and Enterprise 2.0 and has presented or keynoted at Web 2.0 Expo, CeBIT, Business Integration Forum, Interop, JavaOne, SOA Web Services Edge, Enterprise 2.0 Conference, Office 2.0, and other major business and software conferences. He has also been instrumental in pioneering ideas around next-generation SOA and Product Development 2.0, with many of those ideas being shared in his Blog on Lightweight Processes, Service-Orientation, Enterprise Architecture, and Software Development.
He is also the founder and owner of the popular Web 2.0 UniversityTM the world's leading education solution around Web 2.0 and next generation SOA as well as The Enterprise 2.0 TV Show. He can be reached at dion@hinchcliffeandco.com or Twitter..
Presentation: "Ten Aspects of Web 2.0 Strategy That Every Software Architect Should Know"
Monday 09:30 - 10:30
To be announced
Abstract: This session focuses on a clear set of pragmatic, useful ways of understanding and navigating the 2.0 era including its trends, tools, technologies, and mindset. Driven by deep technical change as much as by the societal and cultural evolution that has been caused by widespread changes on the network, 2.0 topics like social networking and user-generated content often get the most attention these days. A set of changes has been occuring in the world of software development, providing exciting opportunities while offering significant challenges; New architectural approaches such as Web-Oriented Architecture and cloud computing have been combined with new high impact. Mashups and cloud
computing are encouraging widespread 3rd party sourcing of application
services across the network. The rise of the browser and Web applications as the primarily software delivery channel.
Keywords: Web 2.0, WOA, Tools, Strategy
Presentation: "Transforming Software Architecture with Web as Platform"
Monday 11:00 - 12:00
To be announced
Abstract: Web-Oriented Architecture (WOA) is based on the immense tensile strength of the World Wide Web itself and its underlying architectural fundamentals. And it's based on the basic concepts and rich outcomes that have made the Web far and away the largest open network on the planet as well as the largest SOA presently in existence. At the leading end of this is the Web mashups story with enterprise mashups being one of the major improvements to the IT landscape that WOA is heralding.
I hope to explain WOA as simply as I can. This is still important because WOA just isn't standard fare yet for discussion in many IT circles while it's something that folks that build online services out on the globally scalable consumer Web increasingly take for granted.
Keywords: WOA, SOA, Web 2.0, Architecture
Workshop: "Web-Oriented-Arhcitecture (WOA)"
To be announced
To be announced
The WOA tutorial is an intensive hands-on exploration of next-generation approaches for rapidly building lightweight applications and services over the network using Web-Oriented Architecture, also know as WOA. Topics covered include the complete WOA "stack" which encompasses RESTful architecture, AJAX, lightweight integration patterns, mashup techniques and approaches, open APIs, cloud computing, network identity, open industry-specific standards, security, and related topics.
Prerequisites: Although the WOA tutorial is a deeply technical course that includes code samples and encourages hands-on participation, software professionals from any field will be able to participate actively and understand the material.
Background: WOA describes a core set of new strategies and techniques using Web technologies including HTTP, XML, browser-technologies, as well as lightweight application development and integration approaches such as mashups. WOA is emerging as a dynamic, highly scalable, and widely interoperable new Web architecture approach for Internet applications as well as client/server. WOA also complements enterprise architecture disciplines such as Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). WOA is based on simple, pragmatic approaches that are working successfully on a global scale today for thousands of organizations and has recently become a growing grassroots phenomenon. For the last year, industry observers and practitioners alike have been exploring the options offered by WOA and comparing them to previous methods as more and more WOA success stories have become public. WOA is often claimed to be lighter, more flexible and composable, and ultimately more effective than traditional approaches for architects & practitioners who need to quickly and cost-effectively build distributed applications over the network using the latest best practices. With WOA becoming one of the leading new models for distributed application architecture, software architectures and designers will need solid literacy in the many new concepts in the WOA toolkit.
Attendees of this course will gain:
* A solid understanding of technical Web fundamentals -- the HTTP application protocol, the URI naming standard, the XML markup language, and RESTful Web services
* The fundamentals of Web-Oriented-Architecture, a pragmatic set of rules for designing RESTful Web services, open APIs, mashups, networked applications, and cloud computing services
* An introduction to consumption-optimized design with the 9 classic SOA principles and new Web-oriented techniques
* The ability to compare and contrast how WOA stacks up against SOA, RPC, and other distributed computing alternatives
* How to directly apply RESTful designs for simpler, more flexible, and reusable services and applications
* Best practice-based techniques for interacting with actual RESTful Web services, with examples from Amazon's Simple Storage Service and the Atom Publishing Protocol
* Knowledge of the available WOA-friendly Web service clients for popular programming languages
* How to implement WOA services in three popular languages/frameworks -- Ruby on Rails, Java, and Python
* The practical issues: Security, identity, data portability, testing, versioning, coupling, and tool support for WOA
* Strategies for how best to apply WOA in enterprise computing environments
* Effective approaches for making WOA adoption successful in your project, product, or organization
Attendees will come away with:
* A complete working knowledge of all the moving parts of Web-Oriented Architecture (WOA)
* A coherent set of techniques to make first-time WOA practioners successful
* Working samples of WOA clients that actually work in the real-world
* A cogent understanding of the tools, environments, and languages that support WOA and their pros/cons
* A clear set of ideas on how to start implementing WOA in the attendee's local software development environment
This tutorial is designed for the following attendees:
* Software architects
* CTOs and enterprise architects
* System engineers
* Software developers
* Web developers
* Integration specialists
* Technical IT staff
* Industry vendors